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General Studies 3

  1. Which part chiefly carries blood from different parts of our body to the heart – Veins.
  2. According to which Article of the Indian Constitution, Jammu and Kashmir has been accorded special status – Art. 370.
  3. Who is the Governor of Gujrat at present – Mrs. Kamla Beniwal.
  4. Thein Dam has been constructed on which river  - Ravi.
  5. What is the full form of ‘ISRO’ – Indian Space Research Organisation.
  6. Diabetes is a disease affecting which organ of human body first – Pancreas.
  7. How much per cent is the Cash Reserve Ratio(CRR)of Bank at present – 5%.
  8. ‘Pongal’ festival is celebrated in which month – January.
  9. Zee Networks tied up with France TV and Silhouetted Films to coproduce a movie. What is the name of that movie – One Dollar Curry.
  10. Where is ‘Indian Railways manufactures Wheels and Axles’ – Yelahanka (Bangalore).
  11. A person presses the earth least when he is  - Lying on the ground.
  12. Who is the Fisheries and Industries Minister of Arunachal Pradesh – Tako Dabi.
  13. In the microphone used for Public address System – Sound waves are converted into electric signals.
  14. When rain falls through a cold layer of air near the earth’s surgace, rain drops get frozen into ice. What is called this type of precipitation – Hail.
  15. What is the hardest substance on earth – Diamond.
  16. Why  in summer, sometimes the bicycle tube bursts – As the pressure of the air increases inside the tube.
  17. Which is the appropriate technology to be adopted for rural electrification and cooking – Bio-gas.
  18. What is gene – An elementary unit of heredity .
  19. Why the clear sky looks blue – Due to diffraction of light.
  20. Why on a cold morning, a metal surface will feel colder to touch than a wooden surface – As metal has high thermal conductivity.