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General Knowledge 23

  1. 1.X-rays was discovered by
    1. J.J. Thomson   
    2. W.R. Rontgen
    3. A. H. Becquerel
    4. Marie Curie

Ans: b

  1. River Cauvery drains into the
    1. Arabian Sea
    2. Indian Ocean
    3. Bay of Bengal
    4. Mediterranean Sea

Ans: c

  1. Liquid Metal is
    1. Gallium
    2. Potassium
    3. Lithium
    4. Sodium

Ans: c

  1. The river Ganges enters the sea through
    1. An estuary
    2. Coast
    3. A fjord
    4. A delta

Ans: d

  1. Respiration in plants takes place during
    1. Daytime
    2. Evening
    3. Night
    4. Day and night

Ans: d

  1. Only non-metal which is good conductor of electricity is –
    1. Silicon
    2. iodine
    3. Graphite
    4. Sulphur

Ans: a

  1. Fundamental unit is
    1. Meter
    2. Liter
    3. Hour
    4. Gram

Ans: d

  1. Cotton is grown ___ of Western India.
    1. Red soil
    2. Alluvial soil
    3. Regur soil
    4. Laterite soil

Ans: c

  1. India lies to the _____ of the International Date Line.
    1. East
    2. West
    3. North
    4. South

Ans: a

  1. When did the Cabinet Mission come to India?
    1. 1942
    2. 1943
    3. 1946
    4. 1944

Ans: c

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