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SBI P.O General Knowledge

    1. During processing and cooking which part of food is mostly destroyed?

a.       carbohydrates
b.      vitamis
c.       proteins
d.      fats
    1. the nearest star (other than the sun) which is visible to the maked eye is

a.       proxima centauri
b.      alpha centauri
c.       pole star
d.      vega
    1. treatment of malaria by inoculation is not possible because

a.       plasmodium produces very minute antibodies
b.      plasmodium does not produce antibodies or antitoxins in human blood
c.       plasmodium produces antitoxins in very small number
d.      none of the above
    1. Ricket is a disease of -

a.       heart
b.      kidney
c.       bones
d.      lungs
    1. supersonic planes fly at a speed –

a.       less than the speed of sound
b.      eual to the speed of sound
c.       more than the speed of sound
d.      equal to the speed of light
    1. atomic minerals are found in thesands of –

a.       kerala coast
b.      tamil nadu coast
c.       Andhra coast
d.      Kathiawar coast
    1. on the moon astrounauts inflate a rubber balloon with hydrogen gas and release it at a height of 2 metres. The balloon will –

a.       fall down
b.      go upwards
c.       remain at the height of 2 metres
d.      frist go up and finally come down
    1. the bacteriophages are –

a.       virus that attacks bacteria
b.      virus that attacks insect
c.       bacteria that attacks plant
d.      bacteria that attacks insect
    1. rose propagation is done by –

a.       cutting
b.      budding
c.       seeding
d.      plantation
    1. nitrogen fixation means –

a.       manufacture of nitrogen from air
b.      nitrogen cycle in nature
c.       conversion at atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds
d.      liquification of nitrogen
    1. days and nights are caused by –

1.      rotation of the earth on tis axis
2.      revolution of the earth around the sun
3.      inclination of the earth’s axis
a.       all are correct
b.      1 and 2 are correct
c.       2 and 3 are correct
d.      only 1 is correct
    1. what a funny bone

a.       a nerve
b.      a bone
c.       a muscle
d.      a blood vessel
    1. national science day is observed every year on –

a.       feb 28
b.      april 5
c.       nov 19
d.      oct 2
    1. India’s first satellite launching station is located at

a.       thumba
b.      sriharikota
c.       ahamedabad
d.      Chennai
    1.  plants growing in saline oil are called –

a.       halophytes
b.      xylidine
c.       thalidomide
d.      none of the above
    1. of the following which imetallic element occurs as part of the green plant pigment chlorophyll ?

a.       copper
b.      iron
c.       magnesium
d.      cobalt
    1. the process of phagocytosis is related to –

a.       ingestion of fluids
b.      digestion of parts of the cell
c.       cellular ingestion of solid material
d.      resonation of cellular components
    1. which of the following substances does not contain Nitorgen ?

a.       wall
b.      nylon
c.       callton
d.      silk
    1. viticulture refers to the production of

a.       figs
b.      oranges
c.       grapes
d.      olivest
    1. Jupiter is larger than the earth by about –

a.       5 times
b.      10 times
c.       20 times
d.      50 times
    1. the major constituents of brass are –

a.       iron and copper
b.      bopper and zinc
c.       copper, zinc, and nickel
d.      tin, zinc and nickel
    1. which of the following is an epiphytic plant?

a.       orchid
b.      mushroom
c.       bacteria
d.      mould
    1. two forces which are perpendicular to each other, act on a body. The resultant force F, makes an angle of 60 degrees with one force. The magnitude of the other force is –

a.       F/2
b.      F/route 2
c.       Route 3/F/2
d.      2F
    1. the chemical symbol W stands for

a.       plutonium
b.      vanadium
c.       tungsten
d.      white phosphorus
    1. in angiosperms the endosperm is a

a.       triploid tissue
b.      haploid tissur
c.       diploid tissue
d.      tetraploid tissue



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